The Award

Roland Ammoury Award is a sportsmanship merit, presented annually by Roland Ammoury Foundation to the young men and women athletes who participate in the Roland Ammoury annual initiatives.
The Trophy is awarded to the player who best exemplifies the ideals of sportsmanship on the court through ethical behavior, fair play, and integrity.
Understanding and committing to fair play, ethical behavior, integrity, and general goodwill toward an opponent constitute sportsmanship. It validates an athlete’s ability to maintain perspective, maintain poise, and do what is best for his or her teammates.
Making appropriate behavioral choices in the “MOMENT OF TRUTH” and under pressure often reveals a player’s character and ability to be a good sport.
Sportsmanship is a choice
It was Ammoury’s choice. And we will ensure it inspires young athletes

to maintain their high spirits and commitment to fair play.