Agreement between User and Roland Ammoury Foundation (RAF)

This website is owned and operated by Roland Ammoury Foundation.
Roland Ammoury Foundation website comprises various web pages. The information presented herein is for informational purposes only.
The use of the website and any information published on this website or via the website is offered to you conditioned on your acceptance without any modification of the terms and conditions, stated herein. Any individual using the website is hereby deemed to accept these terms and conditions.

No unlawful or prohibited use

The information available on the Roland Ammoury Foundation website is of general nature and is only provided for general use. No rights can be derived from the information. As a condition of your use of the Roland Ammoury Foundation website, you agree that you will not use the Roland Ammoury Foundation website for any purpose that is illegal or prohibited by these terms and conditions. You may not copy, rewrite, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit or distribute any content on this website, for public or commercial purposes, without written permission from the Legal Department. You may not obtain or attempt to obtain any materials or information through any means not intentionally made available or provided for through the Roland Ammoury Foundation website.
Copyright laws protect this website. Users do not acquire any intellectual property rights in or to the website, any component of the website, or any information made accessible on or via the website. Users may only use the information provided to them on or through this website for their internal purposes. Users are not permitted to utilize the databases or information for any other use, particularly for profit.

Liability release

Roland Ammoury Foundation in no event shall be liable for any direct, indirect, special, punitive, incidental, consequential damages or any damages whatsoever including, without limitation, damages for loss of use, profits, or data, that is claimed to have resulted from the use of the website. Roland Ammoury Foundation is not responsible for any damages resulting from potential interruptions of this website, caused by technical errors, viruses, or any other disturbing elements, or the consultation or the use of the websites (e.g. via links) referred to on or via this website. The use of this website is at the user’s sole risk.
Roland Ammoury Foundation is not liable for electronic communications via this website, e.g. e-mails, delays, interceptions, or manipulation by third parties of those communications.
Roland Ammoury Foundation periodically adds, changes, improves, or updates the materials on this website without notice. Although, Roland Ammoury Foundation shall not be, directly or indirectly accountable for any mistakes, omissions, or consequences arising from the use of any of the website’s contents.
Any use of the information available on or via this website is therefore completely at the user’s own risk. Therefore, users of this website are accountable for any choices they make in light of the data presented on or obtained through this website. The information available on or through this website should not be taken as personalized or expert advice.

Interruptions disclaimer

Roland Ammoury Foundation works hard to avoid, as much as possible, interruptions due to technical errors. Nevertheless, Roland Ammoury Foundation cannot guarantee that this website will not experience any kind of interruptions or will not be subject to other technical problems.

Copyright & Trademark

All contents of the Roland Ammoury Foundation website are Copyright by Roland Ammoury Foundation and/or its suppliers. All rights reserved. The sample businesses, groups, items, individuals, and events that are presented here are all made up. It is not intended or appropriate to imply any connection to any actual business, group, organization, person, thing, or event.
Any rights that are not expressly granted in this clause are reserved. Any unauthorized use or duplicative act using the Roland Ammoury Foundation logo is trademark infringement and may result in legal action.
All rights are reserved on materials and pictures published on Roland Ammoury Foundation website, and permission to copy them must be requested from the Legal Department of Roland Ammoury Foundation.
If you are dissatisfied with any portion of the Roland Ammoury Foundation website, or with any of these terms of use, you are solely requested to discontinue using the Roland Ammoury Foundation website.

Modification of these terms of use

Roland Ammoury Foundation reserves the right to change and update the terms, conditions, and notices.

Organizational policies

Roland Ammoury Foundation representatives and team are committed to strict political and religious impartiality, and they follow principles of non-discrimination, humility, impartiality, transparency, neutrality, and independence, according to Roland Ammoury Foundation five core values: Unity, Courage, Equal Opportunity, and Sportsmanship. These values provide clear guidance on the standards of behavior that all staff members are expected to abide by:

  • Unity: United we stand to face life adversities and help athletes grow and perform
  • Courage: Challenging oneself to achieve more and dream big
  • Equal Opportunity: Seeking and providing equal opportunities for the youth in an inclusive environment
  • Sportsmanship: Competing with high ethics and demonstrating fair and generous behavior


When donating to Roland Ammoury Foundation, via the website, you explicitly agree to the processing of the data needed for your donation and the emission of your fiscal receipt. Personal data and information are managed by Roland Ammoury Foundation with the utmost confidentiality. All funds are used exclusively for humanitarian purposes and following donors’ compliance requirements.


When applying to volunteer with Roland Ammoury Foundation, you explicitly grant Roland Ammoury Foundation the right to process any personal data provided for volunteering needs. Volunteers should strictly abide by Roland Ammoury Foundation core values, mentioned above.

Privacy notice

By accessing this website, certain information about the user, such as Internet protocol (IP) addresses, geolocation, behavior through the website, and the time spent, along with other similar information, will be stored on Roland Ammoury Foundation servers. These will not explicitly identify the user. The information will be used internally only for traffic analysis.
In addition, sometimes the user provides unique identifying information, such as name, mobile number, email, address, and other information on forms stored on this website. Such data will be securely stored on our servers and used only for statistical purposes and occasional service-related announcements. This information will not be published, licensed, or disclosed to third parties. Roland Ammoury Foundation, however, assumes no responsibility for the security of this information.

Cookie Policy

We use cookies to enhance your browsing experience, serve personalized ads or content, and allow the drawing of analytical statistics to improve our content.
Data collected to this end is strictly anonymous.
Links to external social networks on the Roland Ammoury Foundation website do not include tracing systems and will not share personal data.

Governing law

These Terms & Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Lebanon.